University of Ibadan committed a sum of N5,175,000.00 (Five Million One Hundred and Seventy Five Thousand Naira Only) from the MacArthur Grant to the University of Ibadan for institutional strengthening for the execution of the Center
. Annual commitment of fund support for N1, 000,000.00( One million naira) by the Post - graduate College, U. I. and N500, 000. 00 ( Five hundred thousand) from Distance Learning Centres to the Centre.
° DIFID-Funded partnership for Social and Governance Research Consortium (PASGR) sponsored a pedagogical leadership training in Africa workshop held in Nairobi, Kenya between 19 May and 28 May, 2019.
- The Center is well staffed and equipped with Specialists in Pedagogy responsible for designing training packages as well as providing professional services in the Centre through training, dialogues, clinical sessions in pedagogically related issues etc.